The Details
The When & Where
When: Saturday, February 1st from 6-10pm
Where: St. Sylvesters Catholic Church in Navarre
6464 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563
The What
Join us for an evening of martini tasting, cajun food sampling, games & more in your best mardi-gras attire at ECWR's Martini-Gras!
Purchase your tickets to attend in singles ($60), duos ($100), or reserve an entire 6-person table ($300) for a night of fun with friends or family!
Or, enter to compete in our Martini Shake-off or Cajun Food Cook-off! Check out the details below.
Register as a Competitor!
Calling all Foodies & Master Mixologists!
Compete with your peers and neighbors in the Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge's annual Martini-Gras Martini Shake-off and/or Cajun Food Cook-off! Attendees will sample competitors entries and vote for Best Martini and Best Cajun Dish. You may enter one or both categories as a commercial or non-commercial competitor! Any group or business is invited to enter.
ECWR will provide sample 2oz. martini glasses and serving dishes for food tastings to each competitor!
All proceeds from the competition will benefit the Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge in our mission to care for the native wildlife of Northwest Florida.
How to Register
The entry fee for non-commercial competitors and commercial competitors is $50.00. After you email the completed registration form to the email below, you will be invoiced via Square.​
Ready to register? Download and fill out the entry form below. When you're done, email it to Director@EmeraldCoastWildlifeRefuge.org!
Questions about this event? Email Director@EmeraldCoastWildlifeRefuge.org!